Published Guides
Sudden Ventures, founded in 1997 and based in Cary, North Carolina is a nano-sized company producing mega-sized results with over 29 websites serving 29 different industry sectors. Our network of b2c and b2b websites are continually improving and we currently serve over 600,000 people each month. Our uniquely useful and intuitive websites have helped millions of people find business solutions and personal service professionals. We serve 3,600+ direct small businesses advertisers and over 160,000 companies have requested a free listing profile on one of our websites.
Sean is the sole visionary, graphic designer, marketing director, business developer, I.T. administrator, search engine optimization guru, and Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP developer for Sudden Ventures.
Do we have something to offer your company? Do you have something to offer us? Let's talk.
If you'd like to get in touch with Sean, here are the particulars:
I'm available on Skype (sean.pecor). Please, for people I don't know, make sure to tell me who you are and who you represent in your introductory message. If you just say "Hey", I will ignore you.
My email address is my first name at suddenventures dot com.
Connect with me on LinkedIn.com at https://www.linkedin.com/in/seanpecor.